At Cointree, we are continuously reviewing the coins listed on our exchange to ensure that they meet the necessary requirements for our trading platform. Occasionally, when a coin no longer meets these requirements, we delist them from our exchange. We always make this decision with the best interest of our users in mind. The criteria we use when deciding whether to delist a coin include, but are not limited to:
- Low trade volume on the exchange
- Compromised network security that presents liability for Cointree and its customers
- Deteriorating developer support for the project
- Prohibitive cost to upgrading and/or continuing to support the project
- Lawsuits, enforcement actions or other legal issues that the project faces
Further to our announcement dated 10th November 2022, the following coins will be delisted from Cointree effective 15th November 2022 12:00pm AEST.
Please be sure to trade or sell or withdraw these coins before midday 15th November 2022.
Note: Minimum trade and withdrawal amount requirements must still be met.
If you have any questions about this delisting, please contact our support team.
We thank you for your cooperation as we evolve with the growing cryptocurrency ecosystem.
The Cointree Team