One of the primary benefits of digital currency is that all transactions are irreversible. If you've sent coins to a Cointree deposit address of another coin - no matter how similar the coins are - the deposit may be unrecoverable.
If you have sent coins to a wrong Cointree deposit address:
- Cointree does not generally offer a coin recovery service.
- If you have suffered a loss of AUD $10,000 or more as a result of incorrectly deposited coins, Cointree may, at our sole discretion, assist you in recovering your coins. This process is extremely complicated and may result in significant cost, time and risk, and there are no guarantees that the service will work.
- Significant time and risk is imposed upon Cointree as trusted senior staff must manually and securely access sensitive data that is usually only reserved for our automated systems. While this process follows our internal policies, whenever manual intervention is required, risk is assumed.
- A fee of 10% of the recovered amount will be charged upon successful recovery. This fee compensates our team as their time is valuable and any time spent on recovery takes away from time on improving our service for all of our members. Recovery may take a considerable amount of time. A fee will not be charged if recovery is not successful.
- Cointree reserves the right to decline recovery at any time for any reason.
Please raise a support request if you have understood all the above and would like to request a recovery of coins sent to the wrong Cointree deposit address.
The above information covers receiving coins to your Cointree account. If you have instead sent coins from your Cointree account to an external address, please click here.